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We globally source the products in order to provide you the high quality materials in wide variety of range.

Our quality natural raw cosmetic materials can easily be incorporated into formulations for cream, lotions, spa products, and most other cosmetic products.

We would like to sell our raw materials in small portions for example from 1g sample size up to 150g, that it is ideal for anyone who is interests in personal care formulations, no matter you are the beginner making stuff for home or experienced users to do for commercial uses.


' DIY your own personal care is not just only fun, but also getting chances to learn a lot of science behind it during different experiments. Plus it is essential and important to know you are creating something free from all the nasty chemicals.'


By using our raw materials, you can completely customise it to your preferences and your skin’s needs.

So let’s try our range for creating quality, long lasting and effective products!

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Disclaimer: CEHbyangel sells raw materials for personal care formulation and external use only. We do not sell them as food items.

The information we provide is for educational purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

The information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Keep all raw materials out of reach of children and pets. Special care should be taken by pregnant and/or lactating women when handling raw materials. CEHbyangel accepts no responsibility (written or implied) for any products you make with our raw materials. All testing is the responsibility of the customer.

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